Sunday 22 February 2009

Introductions and Interruptions

Before going any further it is important that I give Archie his due place on this blog. He is deeply fascinated in every aspect of my life in which he involves himself as fully as possible with great enthusiasm. He can also get quite bossy. He adores painting and manages to get - his nose paw or tail into just about everything, often unbeknownst to me.

And when he is not participating he is curled up asleep as close as he can get to the action.In fact if I am not very careful he will manage to overtake my blog too.


Caroline said...

I'm going to loooooooover reading your blog!

Such a shame that we see each other so infrequently though - darn work and other mundanities (that's one of my own words!!!) of Life.


Elizabeth Hyland said...
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Elizabeth Hyland said...

Woops! Still learning how to manage all this! Yes, I know how busy life is for you, but if you ever are able to squeeze in a random cuppa - maybe in the afternoon, let me know. I'm good at impromptu. XOX

Great Expat-ations said...